Vol 41, N 1 (2021): Il corpo e la sua eccedenza

Descrizione del fascicolo

At a historical moment in which a large part of the world’s population, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, found itself – a situation practically unprecedented – severely limited in their freedom of movement, the question about the body, both individual and social arises again urgently. Within this problematic framework, «Teoria» devotes two issues to this discussion. The first issue, which we present here, contains essays that deal with the body along historical and conceptual lines, questioning the body as an element of identity, in its essential function of constituting the subject.


Scritti di: Virgilio Cesarone, Annette Hilt, Antonio Lucci, Giovanni Paoletti, Nicola Zambon, Stefania Achella, Caterina Maurer, Anna Donise, Virgilio Cesarone, Fiorenza Toccafondi, Federico Zilio, Enrica Lisciani-Petrini, Sebastiano Galanti Grollo, Graziano Lingua, Antonio Lucci.




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