V. 37 N. 1 (2017): Linguaggio e verità . La filosofia e il discorso religioso

Bibliographical survey on religious language

Verbena Giambastiani
Dipartimento di Civiltà  e Forme del Sapere Università  di Pisa
Teoria (vol 37, no 1, year 2017)

Pubblicato 2017-07-14

Parole chiave

  • Religious language,
  • metaphor,
  • univocity,
  • symbol,
  • performative language,
  • ...Più

Come citare

Bibliographical survey on religious language. (2017). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 37(1), 157-172. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v37i1.8


This paper is a bibliographical survey about the developing of religious language during the last decades. The major concepts and issues which characterize the twenty-first century debate have been articulated in seven key views: the emotive view; the logical view; the analogical view; the univocity view; the metaphorical view; the symbolic view and the performative view. The main aim is to draw a framework that may help for orientating in the updated debate regarding religious language. What is of interest in this survey is that the analysis of religious language sheds light not only on this branch of linguistic studies but also on language in general.