V. 38 N. 2 (2018): Etica delle virtù

Conversation with Julia Annas

Julia Annas
University of Arizona

Pubblicato 2018-12-18

Come citare

Conversation with Julia Annas. (2018). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 38(2), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v38i2.40


  1. Professor Annas, you are very well known in continental Europe, and particularly in Italy, for your works on ancient philosophy, most of which are available in translation and extensively studied. Could you tell us how and why at some point you turned to virtue ethics, and proposed your own original theoretical proposal?
  2. What are the cornerstones of your virtue-ethical approach, and which of your own works do you think are crucial to it?
  3. What are in your view the main challenges virtue ethics has to face these days?