V. 37 N. 1 (2017): Linguaggio e verità . La filosofia e il discorso religioso

Yigdal, qinah, she’elah - Inno, lamentazione, domanda. Tre discorsi ebraici nel pensare a Dio

Irene Kajon
Facoltà  di Lettere e Filosofia Università  di Roma La Sapienza
Teoria (vol 37, no 1, year 2017)

Pubblicato 2017-07-14

Parole chiave

  • truth,
  • philosophy,
  • religion,
  • conceptual and metaphorical speech.

Come citare

Yigdal, qinah, she’elah - Inno, lamentazione, domanda. Tre discorsi ebraici nel pensare a Dio. (2017). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 37(1), 71-84. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v37i1.4


The contribution deals with the difference between philosophy and religion in thinking truth. It opposes the religious metaphorical speech and the philosophic conceptual speech. Hymn, lamentation, question are three forms of religious metaphorical speech in Jewish praying. The contribution offers examples of these three lyric forms and, taking inspiration from Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig, it shows how they represent human universal manners to address God although in a particular language.