V. 38 N. 1 (2018): Tornare alle domande degli Antichi? / Back to Ancient Questions?

Socrate interrotto? L’Eutifrone di Platone

Robert W. Wallace
Nortwestern University

Pubblicato 2018-07-23

Parole chiave

  • apology,
  • defence,
  • Sokrates,
  • piety,
  • sophist,
  • ...Più

Come citare

Socrate interrotto? L’Eutifrone di Platone. (2018). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 38(1), 37-48. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v38i1.29


Sokrates is about to be tried for impiety; the prophet Euthyphro plans to prosecute his own father for homicide. Sokrates asks Euthyphro, “what is piety?†The quality of their subsequent arguments is often judged inadequate. I argue that the main purpose of this dialogue is defending Sokrates against the legal and other charges brought against him. Scholars praise its portrait of Sokrates, which I argue is different from Plato’s other portraits on four points: an aristocrat, Sokrates shows class arrogance; his personality is unpleasant; he does not deny teaching; and he calls himself a sophos/sophist. Plato realized that these points, while historically accurate, were not the best defense of his teacher, so he cut short his inadequate dialogue and wrote the Apology, a far better defense and a literary masterpiece.