V. 43 N. 2 (2023): La guerra: un'altra forma di nichilismo?

Fundamentos para a paz: limites e possibiliades

Lúcio Jorge Hammes
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA)
Rogério José Schuck
Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates

Pubblicato 2023-12-19

Parole chiave

  • violence,
  • peace,
  • conflict resolution,
  • culture of peace

Come citare

Fundamentos para a paz: limites e possibiliades. (2023). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 43(2), 49-63. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v43i2.229


Violence and peace are part of our daily lives, permeating circles of friends, groups and institutions that make up society. The investigation intends to dis- cuss the possibilities of building “perpetual peaceâ€, defended by Kant (2008), enabling peaceful coexistence between people, groups and nations. It is a qualitative research, which, together with the bibliographical analysis, deep- ens central concepts on the issue of non-violent conflict resolution. It defends the need for a paradigm shift in conflict resolution, to no longer use violence to forward the resolution. This non-violent perspective of resolving conflicts can be the basis for building cultures of peace, making it common to resolve conflicts non-violently. It is concluded that peace and violence are not natural phenomena, but refer to human and social relations, and should be treated as such. Therefore, discussing peace and violence involves all human beings and not just a group or sector.