V. 42 N. 2 (2022): Nuove sfide nei processi di decisione

Autonomia in telemedicina. L’e-patient tra indipendenza e coinvolgimento

Silvia Dadà
Università di Pisa

Pubblicato 2022-12-11

Parole chiave

  • telemedicine,
  • relational autonomy,
  • independence,
  • vulnerability

Come citare

Autonomia in telemedicina. L’e-patient tra indipendenza e coinvolgimento. (2022). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 42(2), 33-51. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v42i2.155


In this article we will analyse the impact of ICT in the field of medicine. In particular, we will focus on patient autonomy (e-patient), which seems to be increasing thanks to telemedicine. In the first part, we will reconstruct the debate on the subject between those who think that telemedicine is an incentive for patient autonomy and those who see it as a tool for control and domination over patients’ bodies. In the second part we will explore the concept of autonomy in an executive sense, which seems to be enhanced by telemedicine. In the second part we will explore the concept of autonomy in an executive sense, which seems to be enhanced by telemedicine. After showing the limits of this idea, we will conclude by proposing a more relational perspective, which may favour the involvement between doctor and patient and the protection of dependencies and vunerabilities.