V. 42 N. 1 (2022): Cibo e filosofia

Filosofia del vegetarianesimo e della condizione animale

Paolo Trianni
Università di Trento

Pubblicato 2022-06-24

Parole chiave

  • filosofia del vegetarianesimo,
  • animalismo,
  • Pitagora,
  • Teofrasto,
  • Porfirio,
  • diritti degli animali,
  • teologia del vegetarianesimo,
  • specismo
  • ...Più

Come citare

Filosofia del vegetarianesimo e della condizione animale. (2022). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 42(1), 117-132. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v42i1.150


The article reconstructs the genesis of the philosophy of vegetarianism and the animal condition, illustrating its interconnections with Christian thought and its future developments in the philosophy of animal law. In particular, it is documented how the animalist and vegetarian sensitivity of the first Greek philosophers was eclipsed with the advent of Christianity, and then resumed also thanks to the theological rethinking on biblical anthropocentrism put in place in the eighteenth century by Anglican theologians who led to two new theologies of the genitive: that of animals and that of vegetarianism.