Vol. 44 No. 1 (2024): Topographies of Risk. Theoretical Approaches

The Fundamental Constraint of Uncertainty: The Theoretical and Practical Value of Risk in Hans Jonas' Ethics of Responsibility

Roberto Formisano
University of Ferrara

Published 2024-06-12


  • Hans Jonas,
  • comparative futurology,
  • heuristics of fear,
  • risk perception,
  • ethical risk evaluation,
  • imagination
  • ...More

How to Cite

The Fundamental Constraint of Uncertainty: The Theoretical and Practical Value of Risk in Hans Jonas’ Ethics of Responsibility. (2024). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 44(1). https://doi.org/10.4454/n1hmxv63


The investigation into the engineering approach raises fundamental theoretical questions concerning the comprehension and evaluation of risk within a broader framework. This inquiry not only prompts reflection on the inherent relationship between risks and ethical sensibilities, including fear but also cultivates an environment conducive to dialogical engagement – a concept espoused by Hans Jonas’ ethic of responsibility.

Over an extensive period, scholars have engaged in critical discourse surrounding Jonas’ ethical framework, examining its perceived conservatism stemming from its commitment to the principle of prudence. However, amid these deliberations lies a crucial insight: departing from applied ethics, Jonas astutely directs attention to the intersection of risk within the critical reflection inherent to foundational ethics. Within this framework, integrating risk assessment as a foundational element in ethical principles serves the broader structural objective of general moral theory.