War, the Technosphere, and the Question of Evil. Three Paradigms of War Žarko Paicˊ 27-48 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (EUR 6)
Foundations for Peace: Limits and Possibilities Lúcio Jorge Hammes, Rogério José Schuck 49-63 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Spanish) (EUR 6)
Nihilism in Times of War. In Dialogue with Nietzsche Werner Stegmaier 65-77 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 6)
We will fill your Fields with Salt. Reflections on War and Nihilism Fernando Gilabert Bello 79-96 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Spanish) (EUR 6)
Nothingness as twist and limit of modernity. Thinking from the experience of war the beginning. On Heidegger's ontohistorical texts of 41 Rebeca Maldonado Rodriguera 97-113 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Spanish) (EUR 6)
Double Negation: Between Nihilism and Institution Gaetano Chiurazzi 115-131 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Italian) (EUR 6)
War and Nihilism: Towards a Beyond Reason Alfredo Rocha de La Torre 133-150 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Spanish) (EUR 6)