Nothingness as twist and limit of modernity. Thinking from the experience of war the beginning. On Heidegger's ontohistorical texts of 41

Published 2023-12-19
- will to willing,
- machination,
- the overcoming of metaphysics,
- beginning,
- twisting
How to Cite
Nothingness as twist and limit of modernity. Thinking from the experience of war the beginning. On Heidegger’s ontohistorical texts of 41. (2023). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 43(2), 97-113.
This article tries to bring the Heidegerian conceptualization of Modernity in the oper The Event until the place where Heidegger produces a twisting from the "will to willing" to the correspond to Being through experiencing the patience and serenity for resonating of Beginning and making possible the knowing of beginning. Finally, this text proposes a rapprochement between Heidegger and the Kyoto School concerning the beginning.